Charlotte County, FL Logo

18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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One Charlotte, One Water

One Water One Charlotte LogoOne Charlotte, One Water is the holistic approach to water quality Charlotte County takes to ensure its policies and practices contribute to the long-term health, enjoyment, and availability of our water. It treats all water – our harbor, rivers, bays, canals, creeks, potable water, wastewater, stormwater, reclaimed water – as one water.

Current Events

One Charlotte, One Water Public Meeting #1

Join Charlotte County staff at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center on February 20th from 5:00-7:00 PM for discussion and public input on the county’s draft One Charlotte, One Water Plan. Learn about the background and purpose of the plan, proposed activities for water protection and improvement, and next steps in the process. Bring your questions and insights into how we can work for and with you to protect our waters now and into the future! An agenda will be posted below closer to the meeting date.

Supporting Materials:

Proposed list of Visions and Tasks for the first iteration of the Plan

Water Quality Monitoring

Charlotte County implemented the first phase of its county ambient monitoring in June 2022. Information regarding the project and sample locations may be found via the following links:

Site Map | Project Plan | Data Dashboard

If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations regarding any element of the county monitoring strategy, please contact

South Gulf Cove Monitoring Dashboard

Since 2009, the South Gulf Cove MSBU has been funding collection of quarterly samples at five locations in their area. Data collected under this project may be viewed via this draft SGC Monitoring Dashboard. Please contact with any questions or comments.

Past Activities

Charlotte County Climate Vulnerability Assessment Input Meeting- 11/6/2024

Charlotte County invites the public to provide input into a forward-looking study effort identifying and defining potential climate vulnerabilities of county assets at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda.

Charlotte County is beginning work on a study to assess the risks and impacts to the county from existing and future climate conditions. Understanding these risks will guide decisions related to public policies and investments, and will help support County businesses and residences to prepare for future challenges together. Funded by the Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership, a member of the EPA-funded National Estuary Program, this vulnerability assessment will use data to understand at the neighborhood level how changing environmental conditions could increase local flooding, especially from the impacts of stronger and more frequent extreme storms. By addressing these concerns head on, the County will provide valuable information relating to insurance concerns, real estate investments, and capital investments made by the County to support a more resilient future.

The study is planned for completion in spring 2025, and we are actively seeking community engagement and input. Come learn about this assessment process and bring your questions and insights; this is your future we are studying!!

For more information, please contact Brandon Moody at

2024 One Charlotte, One Water Town Hall

On January 31, 2024, staff hosted a public event providing an overview of the past, present, and future of water management in Charlotte County. In addition, participants were given opportunities to provide input on various facets of the county's activities. Copies of the presentations and polling results are available for download below. Links to video recordings of the event will be posted here as soon as they are available. Please contact with any questions.

2022 Charlotte County Water Quality Summit

Charlotte County recently hosted the 2022 Water Quality Summit. Guest panelists provided information on a variety of topics, including:

  • Identifying water quality drivers in Charlotte Harbor
  • Recent advances in harmful algal bloom detection, prediction and communication
  • County activities and partnerships to monitor, improve, and protect water quality and natural habitats
  • Opportunities for citizen education and action

A recording of the event has been posted to this page and will be rebroadcast on CC-TV.  

Additional Information:

If you have any questions about this event, please contact

Current Beaches and Waterways Status

Water Quality Alerts and Monitoring Resources

Ordinances and Policies

Activities and General Information

Agencies and Institutions


Brandon Moody
Charlotte County Government
Water Quality Manager

Delivering Exceptional Service

Questions? Issues?

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